About Me

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I am currently in my last semester at TC and will graduate in Dec. with an M.A. in Intellectual Disability/Autism. After graduating I hope to become a teacher for students with multiple disabilities. EXPECTATIONS FOR HBSE 4005: As part of my Computer course I was required to set up a blog. I hope that through this course I can better know how to use technology in my classroom, both related to specifically to special education, but also computer applications in general.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Second Life

Here is a picture of Cristina and I when we met up on Second Life at TC Island.
It was an interesting experience navigating through Second Life and creating an Avatar...it definitely helps having an up to date graphic card; without it I experienced a big lag which made the experience less fun.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

$1 Inventions...

For a course assignment I was required to think of an invention that cannot cost more than $1. I think that I was over analyzing the assignment and was trying to come up with an invention for the past week but could not think of anything. Finally while babysitting for my neighbors on
Friday something clicked. We were outside blowing bubbles with bubble wands. The children I was watching wanted me to make bigger bubbles, however we were unable to make as big bubble as the children wanted with our wands. I found a wire hanger in the house and bent it into a circular shape...not thinking that I was 'inventing' anything, I used the hanger to produce really large bubbles. The children loved it! I 'invented' a way to make large bubbles. I used a hanger for a purpose other than its intended function; to hang clothes, and in the meantime, had a lot of fun. It just goes to show that we 'invent' things everyday to modify and adapt to our surroundings.