About Me

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I am currently in my last semester at TC and will graduate in Dec. with an M.A. in Intellectual Disability/Autism. After graduating I hope to become a teacher for students with multiple disabilities. EXPECTATIONS FOR HBSE 4005: As part of my Computer course I was required to set up a blog. I hope that through this course I can better know how to use technology in my classroom, both related to specifically to special education, but also computer applications in general.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kurzweli 3000 Software Trail/Review

I had the opportunity to preview a trail version of Kurweil 3000. This software enable pages with texts and images (i.e. workbook and textbook pages) to be scanned on the computer and then read aloud through Kurweil 3000. The program allows for the text page to me modified according to the student's needs. Then the student is able to view the document on the computer and have it read to him or her. There are additional features that allow the student or teacher to highlight/circle information. Blank spaces can be inserted into the text to allow for students to answer questions by typing on the computer directly onto the worksheet or text. The software has great potential in terms of being used for UDL (universal design for learning) due to the fact that the teacher can modify each student's work sheet/text for their individual needs. Although, the cost is expensive up front, the software can be used as much as needed once purchased. I would recommend training for the use of this software for teachers and educational staff because it is a little difficult to navigate at first. There is a tutorial available free online at the following address: http://www.kornreich.org/Kurzweil_Web_Tutorial/index.html

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