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I am currently in my last semester at TC and will graduate in Dec. with an M.A. in Intellectual Disability/Autism. After graduating I hope to become a teacher for students with multiple disabilities. EXPECTATIONS FOR HBSE 4005: As part of my Computer course I was required to set up a blog. I hope that through this course I can better know how to use technology in my classroom, both related to specifically to special education, but also computer applications in general.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

$1 Inventions...

For a course assignment I was required to think of an invention that cannot cost more than $1. I think that I was over analyzing the assignment and was trying to come up with an invention for the past week but could not think of anything. Finally while babysitting for my neighbors on
Friday something clicked. We were outside blowing bubbles with bubble wands. The children I was watching wanted me to make bigger bubbles, however we were unable to make as big bubble as the children wanted with our wands. I found a wire hanger in the house and bent it into a circular shape...not thinking that I was 'inventing' anything, I used the hanger to produce really large bubbles. The children loved it! I 'invented' a way to make large bubbles. I used a hanger for a purpose other than its intended function; to hang clothes, and in the meantime, had a lot of fun. It just goes to show that we 'invent' things everyday to modify and adapt to our surroundings.


Micki said...

I love this Katie!! I remember making bubble wands as a kid. An extension to making the traditional circle would be to mold it into other shapes. I can see this being a really fun lesson to teach shapes. And all kids love bubbles!

Unknown said...

This is such a great idea. Every kid I know loves bubbles and the bigger the bubble, the more joy the children have watching it pop. Your idea is so easy to do and facilitates an activity that every child can participate in no matter what their physical or cognitive capabilities. Great job!

Cristina Iribarne said...

Hi Katie,

This is a great invention. I am thinking of my dance camp students in the summer I taught at and how we were trying to make large bubbles but weren't able too because the wand was too small. The universal principle that came to mind when reading your invention was "Equitable Use." I believe all children would have the opportunity to not only enjoy but also take part in creating this great invention!


Cristina Iribarne said...

Hi Katie,

This is a great invention. I am thinking of my dance camp students in the summer I taught at and how we were trying to make large bubbles but weren't able too because the wand was too small. The universal principle that came to mind when reading your invention was "Equitable Use." I believe all children would have the opportunity to not only enjoy but also take part in creating this great invention!


Sara Kurata said...

Katie, it is very interesting invention. I did not know that I can make a bigger bubble by using a wire hanger. Do you think I can make a bubble, whose shape is a rabbit for example,if I make a shape of a rabbit with a wire? Your invention seems to have a lot of potentialities for universal design!

Antoinette said...

This was a great idea. So creative and fun. This is a great money saving trick and is lots of fun for kids.

Katie said...

Great idea Katie! I love it and so will the kids who you will work with. The coat hanger is large enough so children with some fine motor difficulty will be able to use it. It is also great for gross motor activities. It makes me wish summer would never end!

Reid G. Spector said...

Great project katie! This would make a great science lesson and it further show how everyday objects can be used to facilitate learning and accessibly. Viewing everyday objects as tools to learn and explore is truly inventive. Great pictures as well.