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I am currently in my last semester at TC and will graduate in Dec. with an M.A. in Intellectual Disability/Autism. After graduating I hope to become a teacher for students with multiple disabilities. EXPECTATIONS FOR HBSE 4005: As part of my Computer course I was required to set up a blog. I hope that through this course I can better know how to use technology in my classroom, both related to specifically to special education, but also computer applications in general.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A proactive type of final exam!

As the semester is coming to a close, instead of studying for a final on all the information and programs I learned about this semester regarding the use of technology in education, I am part of a team that is creating a solution to an educational problem presented to us by the faculty at Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale Unified School District. The teacher at Mt. Pleasant-Blythedale that my group is working on asked on ways to assist her students in working more independently. Together my group came up with an interactive powerpoint and ordered supplimental equipment for the students to participate in science experiments specific to the refraction of light, which is what the class is currently working on in science. The has 12 students, one teacher, and one paraprofessional, students abilities range from senesory to 6th grade academics. Only 3 of 12 students are able to ambulate independently in the classroom and multiple students with fine motor deficits as well; some have little muscle control and cannot
successfully complete fine motor tasks while other only have use of one hand. One student communicates through a dynavox, one communicates through smiling and gestures and the remainder of the students are able to communicate verbally some more clearly than others; some students need cueing and choices to answer questions.
I feel that being part of a teach to assist teachers in their classrooms by employing different strategies and technologies learned about through this course is such a proactive way to test out knowledge but also make a different and help children!
Here are some of the materials we ordered and are using in our lessons for the students:

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kurzweli 3000 Software Trail/Review

I had the opportunity to preview a trail version of Kurweil 3000. This software enable pages with texts and images (i.e. workbook and textbook pages) to be scanned on the computer and then read aloud through Kurweil 3000. The program allows for the text page to me modified according to the student's needs. Then the student is able to view the document on the computer and have it read to him or her. There are additional features that allow the student or teacher to highlight/circle information. Blank spaces can be inserted into the text to allow for students to answer questions by typing on the computer directly onto the worksheet or text. The software has great potential in terms of being used for UDL (universal design for learning) due to the fact that the teacher can modify each student's work sheet/text for their individual needs. Although, the cost is expensive up front, the software can be used as much as needed once purchased. I would recommend training for the use of this software for teachers and educational staff because it is a little difficult to navigate at first. There is a tutorial available free online at the following address: http://www.kornreich.org/Kurzweil_Web_Tutorial/index.html

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Functional Skills System"

I was able to check out a demonstration CD of the computer software, Functional Skills System created by The Conover Company. This software provides visual representation of real life signs and a sentence, read aloud, and a video clip of a person using/following with the sign. I really liked how all the signs and examples were taken from real life example. This will help students see how the sign is used in everyday life and be able to make the transition from seeing it on the computer to seeing it in their everyday life. I also liked how the words were all read aloud, because some students with disabilities may not be able to understand the meaning or explanation of the sign, especial if the sign has mostly words on it and not symbols.
A couple of challenges with the demonstration software is that the signs were not grouped by category, and it would be difficult to have students sit through viewing all the signs in one sitting. It would definitely have to be done in little bits at a time, which is why it would be great if the signs were classified, for example; street/road signs, emergency signs. This concern was also shared by other members of my technology in special education class.
Overall, I feel this software is beneficial in assisting students in learning life skills. I am currently student teaching in a special education high school in NYC, with students with intellecual disabilities ranging in age from 16 to 21 and feel that this software could assist my students in the development of their daily living skills. The software may also be able to assist teachers in testing students using the Brigance, as sign identification is an area to assess student knowledge on the Brigance.

Monday, October 13, 2008


After critically looking at my workstation with the aid of Cornell University Ergonomics Web, I was able to determine that some adjustments were needed. I have a laptop which I usually keep on my desk in my room. Sometimes it is difficult for me to get work done in my room so I move my laptop to the dining room table for more space. The reason I need more space is usually because I spread out my papers all over the place. The use of a document holder could easily fix this problem and allow me to focus only on one area when typing on the computer. Also, the way I sit at my computer should change to increase better posture and less back and neck pains. Having both feet on the floor(which I normally do not) and my back against the back of the chair can assist in this. I learned something interesting in terms of the positioning of my hands and arms while typing to minimize wrist pain. Having the keyboard tilt downwards from you allows for the wrists to be in a neutral position. By positioning the keyboard so that forearms are parallel to thighs when feet are on the floor, helps maintain blood flow to hands and arms and decreases muscle strain and tension.

"Diigo-Highlight and Share the Web!"

For an assignment, I was required to checkout different bookmarking tools used on the internet. I had never heard or seen such tools other than your standard tool on the web browser that lets you save a page to bookmarks or my favorites. I decided to see what Diigo was and cannot believe what I was missing out on. With Diigo I can save pages, as I normally would but I can include tags, a description of the page, and even highlight the text on a page and save it all to my Diigo tab on my web browser. Looking back this tool would have be very helpful when look for research in on-line data bases for papers. There is also a social aspect of Diigo that I have not yet fully explored but from my knowledge lets you stay in touch with friends and meet new people with similar interests. I highly recommend checking out Diigo!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Second Life

Here is a picture of Cristina and I when we met up on Second Life at TC Island.
It was an interesting experience navigating through Second Life and creating an Avatar...it definitely helps having an up to date graphic card; without it I experienced a big lag which made the experience less fun.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

$1 Inventions...

For a course assignment I was required to think of an invention that cannot cost more than $1. I think that I was over analyzing the assignment and was trying to come up with an invention for the past week but could not think of anything. Finally while babysitting for my neighbors on
Friday something clicked. We were outside blowing bubbles with bubble wands. The children I was watching wanted me to make bigger bubbles, however we were unable to make as big bubble as the children wanted with our wands. I found a wire hanger in the house and bent it into a circular shape...not thinking that I was 'inventing' anything, I used the hanger to produce really large bubbles. The children loved it! I 'invented' a way to make large bubbles. I used a hanger for a purpose other than its intended function; to hang clothes, and in the meantime, had a lot of fun. It just goes to show that we 'invent' things everyday to modify and adapt to our surroundings.